Thursday 14 January 2021

Coming Down Fast

 Helter Skelter 2021.......

National Lockdown #3. New Variant Coronavirus. The Beast from the East #2.  Trump’s Tramps. Brexit Year Zero. Newcastle United. Dry bloody January. The fucking Tories imposing restrictions the Roundheads would have balked at, in a disastrously Cavalier fashion. Happy New Year eh? No wonder many are looking wistfully back to 2020 with something approaching nostalgia if this is the best 2021 has to offer us.

The wisest words anyone said to me during the whole of that last, benighted plague year were spoken by young Ben McGee one sunny Saturday afternoon in mid-September. We were sat on the players’ balcony, half drunk, watching Tynemouth 2s beat their Sunderland counterparts in the semi-final of the Banks’ Bowl. It was not a game that stayed long in the memory, despite it being the last one I saw in an already drastically curtailed season. What did stay with me was the way in which the trainee legal eagle summed the cursed, declining world up so perfectly. While not a Marxist, Ben marvelled at how the Capitalist system that had ruled much of the planet for nigh on 400 years, was built on such unsteady foundations that the very first human who contacted Covid-19 had effectively destabilised the Global means of trade and supply and the attendant distribution of power and wealth.

Four months on, with our human rights calcified and erased, harking back to trhe privations endured by the underclasses before the Great Reform Act and the Abolition of Slavery, the ruling elite seem no further forward in their muddleheaded struggle to save humanity from the twin spectres of disease and decay. The 100,000 deaths and counting that Johnson, Hancock, Patel and the craven imbeciles who rush to tongue their ideologically infectious assholes, are responsible for, may just be the beginning of the mendacious and maladroit plan for mass murder that the Khmer Bleu will inflict on us.

For this piece, when I discuss Coronavirus, please be aware that my remarks are centred wholly on the situation in England. While it appears that Celtic have been employing the help of the same buffoons as the Tories for their public relations strategy, the inescapable truth is that, even if Jeanette Mugabe ends up in jail for her devious, ad hominem prosecution and persecution of Alex “Cuddles” Salmond, she has done her best to avoid turning Scotland into the charnel house England has become.

Since Johnson belatedly responded to the announcement on 31 January 2020 that there were cases of Covid present in England, by announcing National Lockdown #1 on 20 March 2020, there has been little if any evidence of cohesive thinking, planning, proportionate or appropriate responses to the pandemic by the pricks in power. Other countries have seamlessly stifled the virus with a minimum of fuss, while the reactive response in England has been to work and infect the heroes in the NHS to death, as the brazen, braying dishonest donkeys allegedly in control have singularly failed to keep anyone safe and, predictably, have reverted to type by lining their pockets by dishing out corrupt contracts to their chums. Witness the outrageous, though thankfully withdrawn, recent proposed school lunches that even Johnson rejected; starvation rations more fitting to the gulag where Ivan Denisovich languished than the nutritional needs of any growing child in, allegedly, one of the most advanced civilisations on the planet. Don’t worry though; after the shiftless mea culpas over a bag of carrots and a loaf of dry bread being presented as sustenance, the morons have now instructed schools not to feed children over half term. For what died the Sons of Rashford?

Looking back now on the misguided Eat Out to Help Out initiative, when big plates signified big strides forward in the race to normality, it is possible to feel a soupcon of sympathy for the poor bugger who thought the whole thing up. However, whichever meathead (and I’m training both barrels on Gavin Williamson here) thought it was a good idea for schools to go back in September ought to be shot with shit. Mind the same useless wankstain who ushered in the social disaster caused by a return to the classrooms was minor in terms of the catastrophe that was the start of the academic year in almost every University, deserves shooting with an assault rifle.

Sending schools back was simply a malicious, cut price way of turning teachers into glorified child minders, so the majority of those who could have been furloughed were corralled into getting their noses back to the grindstone, thus enabling the Capitalist class to bathe deeper bin money. While that was as sordid a motive as I’ve ever come across, it fades to moralistic philanthropy when compared to the vile grab for cash that saw students firstly coughing up nine grand for fees and the thick end of another five for accommodation and then coughing up their lungs as hundreds of thousands of young people from not just all around the country, but all around the world, were forced to mingle and then be confined to barracks in a grim Halls of Residence cell, doing their degrees on-line. If they tried to escape their digs, they’d find barbed wire fences restricting their movements at Manchester Met and trigger happy flatfoots removing their consciousness with tasers by the side of the Trent.

As yet, the level of infection and numbers of cases linked to Universities reopening has not been publicised, but to my mind it was the single worst example of social repression by the Tories and their mates the Boys in Blue during the entire pandemic, which is saying a lot since I’ve not had a proper pint since early November. Universities are full of young, intelligent, vibrant minds; after a summer of rebellion for the Black Lives Matter protests, the Government didn’t want any of this Free Speech malarkey inconveniencing them. Did you know all political demonstrations are currently illegal under the Lockdown legislation? You do now.

The drip feed of grudgingly imparted information such as that is what has persuaded me that the Tories, shower of incompetent imbeciles that they are, do have some vaguely defined ulterior motive for the seemingly random acts of unkindness that restrict further our human rights. Basically, on account of the fact that the overwhelming majority of slothful conformists who voted these bastards in, could not be relied on to crawl off the settee and away from the telly for more than 30 seconds, there is absolutely no chance of a contemporary Yeomanry assembling to defend the interests of their overlords. Not unless Sports Direct is doing camo gear in 3XL that is.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, the Coppers are the ones to look out for, as Babylon are bloodthirsty for power. Witness how the Met are able to randomly and wantonly execute black youths with impunity; it’s coming to a high street near you soon. Witness plod at Tynemouth Metro on New Year’s Eve afternoon quizzing those arriving on Metros regarding their home address and reason for the visit. That’s just fucking scary. Mark my words, sooner or later, some over adrenalized pig is going to let loose a few deadly rounds on a gang of curfew breaking kids, just trying to have some fun without getting hassled by The Man.

The situation is already out of control stateside. I’ve no particular affection for the Democratic Party, but at least they don’t wave the flag for QANON or advocate the widespread culling of young black men. The Republicans have always embraced the lunatic fringe on the extreme right and Donald Trump’s personal battalion of neo Nazi, redneck fucktards, aided, abetted, funded and armed by the security forces working inside the US Capitol, aren’t going away soon. One great thing about the failed coup was that so many Republicans had to publicly raise their hands and back. I am fairly certain that either Biden’s inauguration or the largely symbolic impeachment of Trump will see minor terrorist acts at state capitols across the Union. Though I’ve a feeling Detroit, Baltimore, Atlanta, the Windy City and the Big Apple won’t take such shit lying down. January 20th could see Helter Skelter coming down fast and wouldn’t that be a fine thing, ladies and gentlemen?





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